24/7 Emergency Mitigation Services 305-828-0287

Fire Damage

When a fire occurs in your home or commercial property, you can count on Clear Restoration to respond quickly to take care of your property. Our experienced and qualified team is available 24/7 and will get to work immediately to protect your property from further damage.

We know that experiencing a fire in your home or commercial property can be an overwhelming experience. Even when the damage from the fire itself is minimal, additional damage from heat, smoke, and even water can have a significant impact on your property. We’ll work with you to minimize your loss and cleanup your property as efficiently as possible.

kitchen fire broward

Two Hour Repsonse Time Available 24/7

smoke damage cleanup palm beach

Advanced Cleaning and Deodorization

The smoke and soot residues resulting from a fire can be more damaging than the fire itself. Smoke particles can travel throughout a property and easily becomes embedded in soft and porous surfaces, leaving behind strong odors and sooty stains. Soot residues often cover walls and ceilings, leaving behind a sticky and difficult to remove residue.

Smoke and soot residues are often acidic and can cause permanent damage and discoloration to even the most durable surfaces if not treated and removed as soon as possible. At Clear Restoration, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment and advanced methods for cleanup and deodorization. We’ll work quickly to mitigate the damage, reduce your losses, and get you back to normal as quickly as possible.

Contents Cleaning

Smoke damage affects both the dwelling and all of the contents within. We have developed an advanced system to clean and deodorize contents after a fire. We will conduct a line item inventory of all your damaged and cleanable goods, and utilize “pack in,” a cleaning process that significantly reduces the cost of content mitigation.

With a focus on cleaning and restoring over replacement, we are able to restore many items in a cost and time efficient manner for the benefit of our customers. Items that cannot be cleaned will be fully documented for your insurance company.

fire damage restoration broward

Professional Fire Damage Help, 24/7

After experiencing a fire in your home or commercial property, do not hesitate to give us a call, day or night. Our certified and experienced team is available 24/7 and will respond as soon as possible to protect your property from further damage and to begin the cleanup and restoration process. Call now!

Contact Us

  • Emergency? Call us 24/7 at 305-828-0287.
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